Please see our Frequently Asked Questions listed below.

What is Occuland?

Occuland is a Delaware C Corporation. Our web platform helps people and brands acquire virtual land and create unique experiences in the Metaverse. Whether you are looking to buy, sell, lease, or develop, we are here to help you every step of the way.


Occuland’s mission is to bring landowners, tenants, and content creators together to maximize the full potential of each virtual world in the Metaverse.


Occuland’s vision is to become the largest and most reliable network for virtual landowners, tenants, and content creators to manage, develop, and monetize the Metaverse.

How does the lease agreement work?

The rental agreement will be built as a smart contract for ERC-721 Non-fungible tokens or NFTs. The landowner will stake their virtual land with Occuland. Occuland will function like an escrow service, where we will ensure the rental agreement is executed as agreed upon between the landowner and the tenant. The tenant will be set as an operator and will only have the ability to build on top of the land, but not able to sell or transfer the virtual land NFT.

Does Occuland collect fees?

Occuland collects a 3% transaction fee. Users will also need to pay for gas and network fees and any other fees agreed upon in the smart contract. Our multi-chain platform is designed to optimizes for the lowest gas fees.

We know the Metaverse presents many choices and we want to genuinely express our appreciation to our paying customers. Your support helps us to maintain our commitment to provide you with the best possible experience.

What virtual worlds do you support?

Currently, we support Decentraland and The Sandbox, which are both built on the Ethereum blockchain. We will support multiple virtual worlds on multiple networks. Please see our road map as we continue to add others in the near future.

Why do you want virtual landowners to stake their LAND NFT with Occuland?

Occuland will function similar to an escrow service, ensuring the agreed upon terms between both parties are executed as stated in the smart contract. We listed some of the main benefits for the landowners and tenants below.